Interweaving village and polder

Ambition document - expansion plan Nagele

How can adding 300 houses improve the village of Nagele as a whole and the adjoining land, thinking from the collective ideas with which Nagele was designed at the time? For the unique modernist village of Nagele in the Northeast Polder, no regular subdivision for expansion would suffice. The designers dove into the field and harvested from the residents what their perspectives are on Nagele's future. In a well-attended walking workshop, various themes were discussed and points of interest emerged that Dérive translated into 5+1 guidelines for the expansion. As a parcellation - on the boundary between village and countryside - they proposed a line structure as a simple gesture and the ultimate form of collectivity, in keeping with the rhythm of the polder and thus forming the counterpart to Nagele's composition. This ‘area’ forms a new type of public space for Nagelezen and can take on different forms and establish relationships through various fill-ins of the framework; different nave sizes and cross-sections, collective functions or private living spaces. This structure is a reference to the existing and well-known typology of the row house; it forms unity in diversity by accommodating different types of housing. Its repetitive and contiguous form makes it a sustainable structure for affordable housing, modular timber construction and the sharing of renewable energy.

In collaboration with the residents of Nagele, Board of Government Advisors (College van Rijksadviseurs), Municipality of Noordoostpolder, National Cultural Heritage Agency, Strootman Landscape Architects

Year: 2022-2023
Location: Nagele, NL
Type: Co-creation and drafting of ambition document
Team Dérive: Hedwig van der Linden, Kevin Westerveld, Margot De Caster & Lucien Schmidt-Berteau

Downtown - Suburb


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